Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Wherever I lay my hat

Well the 1 day move went well. However the following 4 days didn't. Day 1 was taken up with the move. Day 2 I managed an hours work before heading from new home to old home to sell the old car and do some cleaning. Day 3 and 4 was spent cleaning, decorating. Day 5 was a wash out too.

So, you may have guess I didn't make my 1st of Feb deadline. Monday this week was also a wash out as I had people viewing the other car I have for sale and I had a party to go to for a 5 year old. So, I've effectively lost a week's work. Not to worry though, things are going well this week and I'm hoping to have a finished version by Friday. This of course may be again scuppered by tickets I have to Britain's Got Telent live auditions tomorrow in Birmingham. Hmmm, who knew being unemployed could take up so much of your time!

I've finally managed to build a test version and got it out to a couple of people yesterday. I'll try and build another version today and get it out to all of the testers. The remainder of the work is making it pretty. Adding fades between screens, putting the movies and backdrops in and adding all the little bits that make it a bit more dynamic. Mr S has got the movie playback working well and it's going in between the levels in story mode. We've also created a font for the menu's that works a lot better than the original attempt.

The new office is working out well, and only 2 steps from getting out of bed to sitting at my desk. It reminds me of the old days of working from my bedroom. The internet is all connected and my server is back up and running.

So, if I'm going to get it finished in a day and a half I'd better get back to it!

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