So today. Finally got the main game algorithm sorted and just as I was adding all the scroll directions in I found a bug. It was a pretty obvious bug which I should have seen coming so I'll have to rethink. I planned to have it all working by today but events took over. As is often the case when you're not being managed your mind wonders and you end up doing what you want rather than what you should. This means I have a load of nice new graphics lifted from the flash version of the game I'm converting rather than much new actual code.
The game I'm converting BTW is called Blocular. You can find it at it's originally written by a friend of mine who writes flash games full time. You can find him over at I think it's a good choice for my first iPhone game. Nice and simple mechanic and well suited to the iPhone.
I'm not sure yet what the plan is for release. By my estimations it should be ready for submission to Apple before the end of the month. I have no idea after that on how it all works. I should really look that bit up!
Anyway, I have a plan on this bug so I'm off to fix it.
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